Nice of you to stop by. My name is Lauren Hearne. I’m happy you’ve found my hideouts.
I am a newly minted 30-something living in San Francisco with my boyfriend of 4 years (peep Christopher in the sunnies’ reflection). California is home and, if I am lucky, will always be. I was born in San Diego, grew up in Ventura County and went to college in Los Angeles, so the southern part of the state definitely has a special place in my heart. However, as a San Francisco resident the last 8 years, I now root for all the Bay Area professional sports teams. Whoops.
When I was little, the ‘what do you want to be when you grow up’ question evolved from dolphin trainer to architect. While I happily work in neither of those fields today, I don’t think I ever really lost the initial draw to my last answer. My parents underwent a full blown remodel when I was in middle school and, at the time, I could not think of anything more fun than to sit with my dad as he adjusted the blueprints or went tile, floor and appliance shopping. Now as an adult with a real job and real money, I’m allowed to play around with various rooms of my own. However, as a renter and a millennial still saving up a nest egg, I’ll realistically be doing a lot of manifesting here.
Welcome. xx